Founded in 2023 by Charles E. Hill. More Information Contact Email –For God, Jesus, Charles, and all Partners. Defined meaning is being a Christian or willing to become a friend to Jesus and our partners.

The most this website will ever cost you In Money is $1.00. The most it will gain you in riches is keeping your soul. Any other options is totally optional. It’s highly recommended if you’re not a friend of Jesus, that you go somewhere and talked to Him. I’m here to tell you He wants more just to be your friend, He wants you to be His Best Friend. There’s two parts to my association.

  •  Asking you to let Jesus be your friend. And if He already is, it’s asking you to register to receive our Christian Benefits. The true meaning for this is God’s Blessings. All partners are shown how. Many people don’t understand you have to be a friend of Jesus first.
  • Anyone who needs or wants a copy of God’s letter request it in writing to Charles E. Hill P. O. Box 54 Bamberg, S. C. 29003-9998. Another way, request at Email

  • Christian Benefits. Think of this as taking a portion of your 10% offering from giving to your church and offering it to Christian Partners. Your offering supports other partners as there offering supports YOU. The lowest offering is $1.00, and the highest is $100. If you ever feel like you want to offer more, Please enclose what you want us to do exactly with the funds. Our system will provide you with partners who want to support you. lt’s optional if you want to help mail out our newsletter with your personal I.D. memership. Christian Partners is also becoming in very near furture as a regular donor for St. Judes Children Hospital. All partners joining this program will receive 1, 2, 3, up to 4 christian benefits every 30 days. Partners are recommened to mail offering of any about you feel compelled to send weekly for the highest benefits, based on the support the system gathers with your I.D.

  • You have to be righteous in everything you do, just like Jesus. Try calling on God when you’re so negative about everything and see what happens, nothing. You have got to believe and have faith while living in the flesh body.

  • In 2023 I became the Author of “The Return Of Jesus”. I have tied together trying to get people to be friends with Jesus, with my dream to see that everyone who does not have a Bible, God’s personal letter to you, can get a copy with no charge. With the help of my friend and publisher Jessica Brown, my wish and dream is coming true. My book, I extremely urge you to read it, and let my partners support you. It’s what they want to do. Make sure your relatives, church family, friends get a copy. Supprise them with a copy. My book tells you about God s letter to you. It’s very helpful and important. My book was not written to gain profit. I wrote it and dedicated it to God, simply because I felt it’s what he wanted me to do. Although others I come in contact with tell me this book is going to be huge success. And even movie producers are interested in it. The scenes would be of the events in God’s letter that have never been produced before.


Everyone who helps get this book into the hands of others, can request a free copy of Gods letter. This is great for NEW STUDENTS. This is my promise and offering to God and Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Order my book for yourself. Make a plan to tell others or a plan to place a order for others you know.

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